Guest Lecture: Exploring policies to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy and food waste in the EU

The EU has an ambitious climate goal to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In the agriculture sector, which represents about 10% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions, animal agriculture alone is responsible for at least 6% of all greenhouse gas emissions (this is twice larger than GHG from all airplane travels).

The European Green Deal comprises a new “Farm to Fork” strategy to make the food value chain healthier and more sustainable and insists on involving consumers in the transition. Decreasing the consumption of meat & dairy and food waste can reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly and presents significant other environmental and health benefits. The report provides recommended policies to reduce the consumption of meat and dairy and reduce food waste in the EU.

Carol Lecomte from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University will present her thesis work, followed by a talk with Dr. Alon Shepon, Harvard School of Public Health, and the Israeli Forum for sustainable nutrition.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 1st, at 5 pm via ZOOM.

After the lecture, we will be holding a discussion and Q&A session. Please register in the attached link.

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